Medford Community Media is the public, education, and government access channels provider for the city of Medford, Massachusetts.
Where do I find your commonly used forms for MCM?
Right here!
How Do I Watch Medford Community Media?
Medford Community Media is available on both Comcast and Verizon cable channels within the City of Medford. You can also watch all our programming live or on-demand by clicking on the "Watch MCM" button in the top right corner of the website!
What Are Your Channels?
Public Access Channel Educational Access Channel Government Access Channel
Comcast 9 | Verizon 47 Comcast 8 | Verizon 45 Comcast 22 | Verizon 43
How Do I Create A Show?
Become a member! Once you are a member you will have access to classes on all the MCM equipment and after the classes are completed you will be trained and certified and on your way to start producing your own TV program.
How Do I Submit A Show?
Medford residents can submit a program they produced to air or sponsor an imported program on Medford Community Media by filling out a simple form. Non-Medford residents can request a program be aired on their behalf by a resident of Medford. Contact MCM for additional information.
Who Operates Medford Community Media?
MCM is a department of the City of Medford and the media center and studio is located in the Medford High School located at 489 Winthrop St. in Medford. The MCM Station Manger runs the day to day operations of the studio with a part time Production Coordinator.
How Is MCM Connected To Comcast and Verizon?
MCM is a separate entity from the two cable providers in Medford and is not affiliated with either cable provider. Both cable providers negotiated contracts with the city of Medford, as they do with all cities and towns in Massachusetts. These contracts for Medford can be found here: COMCAST Contract VERIZON Contract
Our Mission
MCM is a public forum for all Medford residents, businesses and organizations. MCM provides training and access to telecommunications technology so that all may become active participants in electronic media.